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Prayer Room Application

Apply to serve in the Prayer Room

Thank you for your interest in serving in the Prayer Room. We desire to build a resting place for the Lord and believe that ministering to Him is the highest priority. We intentionally pray over every applicant and go through a process of discernment if it's the Lord's will for you to serve in the Prayer Room at Adore.


Application Process


1. Attend the Prayer Room whilst applying to serve


2. Complete application form using the apply button


3. Submit a video audition through YouTube. Copy and paste the URL into your application





1. Keep loving Jesus

Love Him with the way you live your life, actively stewarding a secret place and model Him to the world


2. Believe and study the Bible

Believe that the Bible is the truth and continuously follow and learn it’s teachings


3. Tithe to the Church

To give with a generous heart with time, energy and money


4. Attend Adore Church and the Prayer Room regularly

To be at Church/Prayer Room, not just when you are serving on a team


5. Practice your craft

To continue to learn your parts and know the songs


6. Look after your instrument

Whether it’s your instrument or someone else’s, take care of it the best you can


7. Be punctual and on time

To always be on time to rehearsals, services and sound checks


8. Be open to feedback

To steward a posture of humility. Be open to feedback in debriefs and from leadership

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