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Spiritual Direction

Image by Javardh
Image by Vikas Gurjar
Image by Melanie Dijkstra

What is Spiritual Direction?

Through regular meetings of conversation, silence, and prayer, spiritual directors come alongside others in order to help them discern and respond to the presence and activity of God in their lives. Along the way, these conversations may include just about everything that happens in life — work, play, relationships, personal struggles — but always the question comes back to: How is God present in this? The spiritual director is simply there to hold space, occasionally speak what he or she notices, and help you nurture the kind of deep, meaningful connection with God that you desire.

Who goes to Spiritual Direction?

Many things can lead a person to seek spiritual direction. Sometimes people have experiences with God that they don’t understand and want a safe place to explore what those experiences might mean. Sometimes people are wrestling with difficult ideas or beliefs and need support as they sort through them. Others feel like they’re at a crossroads or in a transition and want to discern how to move forward.

All of these are common, but more often than not people begin spiritual direction simply because they want a richer, more fulfilling spiritual life. Spiritual direction is a flexible ministry that can meet us where we are at, and can continue to support us as we grow and change.

Let's explore if Spiritual Direction might be a good fit for you?

At Adore Church we have a number of trained spiritual directors who offer both individual sessions as well as Group Spiritual Direction which provides a great introduction and experience of some of the core spiritual practices. Look out soon for more details of a new course starting this autumn.  

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